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Knowledge Kalories

Get Your Weight Up!

KNOWLEGE /ˈnälÉ™j/ noun​

1. Facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.


KALORIES /ˈkal(É™)rÄ“/ plural noun

  1. The energy needed to raise the amount of knowledge and thought process to measure the progress one can produce.

  2. Growth through ongoing education and execution of acquired knowledge, i.e. "Knowledge Kalories." The traditional word, "calories" refers to a unit of energy, our concept of "Kalories" is increasing ones units of applied knowledge in all areas of life!

Knowledge Kalories is a consulting and education firm that loves to share all things necessary to make life a little better.  We specialize in planning for generational wealth building through whole life insurance, creative financial planning and credit building strategies.  

That's just the tip of the Savannah...we also have resource material in healthy living goals, best pet care practices and family planning.

Like the mighty elephant, our largest land mammal, they need a huge amount of calories to gain the appropriate weight to perform their daily tasks, raise a family and teach the next generation to survive and thrive.  So must we, strive to consume KNOWLEDGE KALORIES to gain mental weight in order to make life better!  Let Knowledge Kalories assist you in that journey of GETTING YOUR WEIGHT UP!!


Contact us to get a free 30 minute consult.  


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